RiG 2019-2020/4 January 2020: College and Careers

Reflecting in Gratitude Series 2019-2020/4

How did LSM impact you in college or in your career?

Attending Lutheran Summer Music unburdened me from the college search. My path emerged clearly, and I enrolled at St. Olaf College, following those LSM teachers and professors, Steve Amundson (orchestra), A. Dwayne Wee (piano), Merilee Klemp (oboe) and others who touched and encouraged me both in my art and also personally. This was my way of thoroughly integrating music, faith and worship into the daily fabric of my life.

I entered college 2,000 miles from home, surrounded by a family of fellow LSM alumni. These are the people who, to this day, challenge me to faithfully share my gifts. These are also the people I proudly stand by, providing support as they share their gifts.

Together we fortify each other so that we can give of ourselves. LSM helped us find our gifts and at LSM we learned it is our joyful duty to share them with each other. We are bonded together in the culture of collaboration, encouragement, and support that is unique to LSM and sets it as a place apart.

For this reason, I am very pleased to be a part of the newly formed LSM advisory council. This new group primarily comprised of LSM alumni will be actively engaged in the the future of LSM, working together on strategic initiatives to improve the program to ensure that all manner of resources including time, awareness, creativity, money and artistry are continually nurtured and replenished. We eagerly anticipate sharing more soon after our inaugural meeting in mid-January.

When the dark clouds move in and doubts and insufficiency loom, we learned at LSM to encourage each other to refresh and strengthen body, mind and soul through music, faith and worship.

The culture of generosity happens at all levels of LSM. At the root of this is the willingness to nestle into the peacefulness of knowing that you dwell in abundance.

For those of you who go into 2020 with rejoicing: remember to celebrate with cries of gratitude, acknowledging your blessings.

For those of you who carry suffering and loss into the new year: remember to anchor yourself with gratitude for the smallest joys: running water, a cup of tea, a kind word, and the comfort of knowing that you have a gift to share.

January 2020

This is number 4 in the 2019-2020 Reflecting in Gratitude Campaign

“We, the LSM alumni remain connected through faith and music. We lived the experience that grew from the mission and vision of our revered founding fathers and mothers. The founders are now passing the torch to us, trusting us to preserve that which most transformed our lives, fold it into the challenges and advantages of our present day, and enable the enrichment of further generations of the LSM community.”

– Jeanine Krause, LSM ‘89-’91

LSM is embarking on a gratitude campaign. Alumni receive a monthly email containing a reflection from Jeanine Krause, alumni-related announcements, and a link inviting you to share your personal LSM stories and what you are most grateful for.